Monday, March 1, 2010

19 days until Spring!

Did I mention I HATE group projects? I especially hate them when no one seems to worry about the project, except for me. My group member/ friend came over last night to work on our Quioznos campaign. We were supposed to meet as a group with the rest of the 6 members, but everyone canceled. Go figure. Everything is due in one week...Ahhhhh. Midterms. Got to love em'.
I was able to get a taste of the country life this weekend when my family and I headed to NH. My uncle recently built a house up on a mountain in North Conway, so we stayed there and then went snowboarding in Maine on Saturday. It was only my 2nd time, but I think I am picking it up with time... Fellow ambassador (and friend) Chris came to join us Saturday- Sat. Night along with one of my best friends from Suffolk. It was great to get out of the city for the weekend, but not long enough. I was away from the internet, phone, school and homework. It was so relaxing. Just a fire, family, friends... It really made me appreciate the break from the business of the city. (and start the countdown to Spring break...)

My mom and I on the chairlift

Halfway down the mountain (we decided to take a little break...)
I am looking forward to being able to snowboard again over break, even if it is just at Wachusett and close to home...

I had my Comm. Theory Midterm last week, and got a 27/30. We are now really stepping it up and beginning to work on our theory papers. I am writing a paper on a theory about Facebook...I am not really sure exactly what I am going to write about yet, maybe about "friending" someone new, or what college students are using facebook for most... whatever theory I can come up with and be able to do research on. I'll keep ya posted.
Oh! On Friday my mom, my sister, the little girl my mom mentors, and myself are going to see the Lion King! So excited :)
I am also going home for the weekend for some family stuff...

Until later,

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