Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Don't you have enough on your plate? Stop eating..."

No, my subject line has nothing to do with food. This is what my dad emailed me after I told him I was looking to add on another internship to my resume. I thought it was very clever...As much as I LOVE my internship at Mom Central, and plan to work there for as long as they keep me, I also feel it is still important to experience more than one internship while I can. I have not even worked in an actualy Public Relations job and that IS my Major. Mom Central is more marketing, with word-of-mouth and social media strategies. It is also very specific, tailored, and targeted, so it might be nice to try and work at a big pr company, to see what else there is. I am however, working at Mom Central 45 hours a week this summer... If working that many hours does not scare me away from graduating, I don't know what will...And as far as having a lot on my plate, when do I not? Keeping busy keeps me sane, I have recently realized. As much fun as doing nothing but hanging out and training over spring break was fun, (while I creeped on all of my friends fb photos of them in Cancun and Miami) I was bored out of my mind after the first day or so. Being busy makes the days and weeks fly by.
My grandparents took my sister, cousin, and I to Pier 4 over break, which is this super nice seafood restaurant down near the Institute of Contemporary Art, kind of near the aquarium. It was amazing (and very expensive. I also spent some time in Newport RI and New Jersey, along with time on Chris' roof deck in the north end on those really gorgeous days. I got to see my room mate from Australia over the weekend, too.

I have registration for Senior year on Monday! Can't believe it. And I know I have said it this time every year, looking back at my old posts from freshman year, but I can't help but say it again. I feel like such a different person from freshman year. Although it has only been a few years, being here has changed me. Even just living on my own in my apartment has been such a learning experience. I am glad Suffolk forced me to move out of the dorms Junior year. Pretty soon I'll be out in the real world... and I'm not so afraid anymore.I have only 2 required classes left for my major. PR2 and Bio with a lab, which of course I have put off until the last minute. And of course I am dredding it...especially because I am taking it Monday nights from 5:30-8:10 and the lab on tuesday nights. :( gross. I love my schedule so much this semester and I do not want it to change. I am probably going to have my internship count as a class again, if I can fit the 16 hours in my week again. It is proving to be a little more difficult this semester, though. The rest of my time here will be all electives. Which kind of makes me mad, to know that I am paying to take some pointless classes. But I guess I could take some different types of classes that could still relate to my major, like media criticism or event planning. I bet I could take them pass/ fail, too... hmmmm.
So much to do and So little time, as always.
Until next week,

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