Senior Scramblings
The 4 years of college for one Public Relations Major; From dorm life to living in Australia,apartment living to internships- while just trying to make it all slow down...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Only 2 weeks left!
I have not had much time to myself, hence the lack of blogging- not to mention I have been working on a new site for class, The site is for my New Media New Markets class and it is a website designed to serve as a running resource for all runners. We could pick any topic we wanted and had to develop our site, design it, and get it up and running by the end of the semester. For PR II we have been working with a client (Boston Debate League) to come up with new volunteers for upcoming debates. This is proving to be more difficult then originally imagined.
I am so excited for next semester-- I am taking Review Writing and Media Pop Culture. Hoping for an easy semester for once. I will be continuing an internship of some kind (whether it be staying at Mom Central where I work now or a different pr/marketing firm) I can't believe real life is so close.
Panic mode will definitely be kicking in soon.
Winterball is coming up and then I'll be heading to Vegas for new years! Can't wait
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Little Sore, But Ready for More
Monday, October 4, 2010
I can't complain too much though. I had a great past couple of weekends. We celebrated the last of the 21st birthdays out of my group of friends. We took her out to this dueling piano bar in the financial district called Howl at the Moon, which is a different type of bar since there is a live band (or dueling pianos) that take requests and play top hit songs (Like rediculous renditions of Keisha and Lady Gaga).
My roommate from the dorms Freshman/Soph. year got engaged recently and I am going to be the Made-of-honor. Her parents held an engagement party for them at their house. All of a sudden I feel so old. Almost graduating, friends getting married- I have a feeling this year's blog theme is going to be about how fast the time has gone- and how bad I want it back.
Things are about the same as any other year- class, work, tours, internship... I am finishing up my last of my required classes-including the general education ones and my PR ones. Looks like next semester will pretty much just be electives. Hopefully I can find another internship to tack on to get some more experience before I try to find a job next year. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Still have to get through this Bio exam. Ugh- why did I wait until senior year to take this? No motivation for Biology, or Biology Lab at this point.
1/2 marathon in Newport, RI in 2 weeks!
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Beginning of the End.
This summer consisted mostly of working, but I was able to get away a few times for some long weekends. I went to Chicago to visit my brother, whose band was playing right next to Wrigley Field. My cousin got married, so my whole family came to town for that. I went to Maine and Vermont with my friend Dayna (who I met while in Australia), and I got to go home to RI a bunch of times to go to the beach.
We are all getting back in the swing of things here at Suffolk, getting used to the new faces on campus and all the new ambassadors. I am still trying to get used to introducing myself as a senior before all of my tours. I am missing the old senior ambassadors who have moved on to other things. Luckily social media keeps us all connected and I am able to keep tabs on the incredible things they are all up to post college life.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Summer...Sort of.

I am loving my internship, though. I have learned so much about marketing and public relations. I am planning to keep working here through next year, too. Hopefully I will be able to get class credit for it again in the fall. My schedule is going to be rough- per usual.
One more science lab to get out of the way! I am also taking New Media New Markets, and Public Relations II. What’s strange is throughout my whole career at Suffolk, I have been a PR major, and never questioned it. Now I work at a marketing consulting firm, and I am thinking I really should have been a business major all along. But I guess if they both would have gotten me to the same place, it doesn’t really matter. It’s something to think about when picking your majors. I would have been miserable trying to get through economics and math classes for four years. I guess what I am saying is, many majors at Suffolk can result in so many different jobs after college. I don’t think it’s what you are studying at school that really matters, as much the experience you are getting through school and the internships you do. So don’t stress if you still have no idea what you want to do. I’m sure more than half of the seniors that just graduated still have no idea, either.
I will post throughout the summer if anything interesting happens- although I am not really counting on it.
I am off to an Aquafina Flavor Splash party for work!
Happy summer!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Papers, Providence, and a little bit of Pomegranate

My theory paper is due wed. Cannot wait to turn that in! Took me a verrry long time to get through it, but I did it. Feels great. My Integrated Marketing Communications project is due tonight- my group and I are going to have to pull it together at the last minute before class since we have only all met once. Hoping it all goes smoothly. We are presenting Bud Light Pomegranate to our class as a new summer beer- with all the promotions and advertising attached. This is a slide showing some of our packaging ideas- we used photoshop to create new logos designs.
The ambassad

We also had our last themed party of the semester at our apartment on Saturday and as usual, all the ambassadors took a picture. It was Rubik's cube themed and everyone was supposed to dress up in all the colors of the cube. Of course not everyone did, but it was fun to see those that did dress up!
Last night was my friend Kirsten's 21st so her and her boyfriend cooked dinner and made dessert for all of us girls. This semester has been crazy-with a different 21st birthday to celebrate every week. Our weekends a

We also planned a trip to Vegas after our last friend turns 21 in September. We are planning a trip for the long weekend in October. There seems to be some good deals for flights and hotel packages- so more to come on that next year!
This will probably be my last post as a Junior! I will try to blog a bit over the summer- although with my internship 45 hours a week I know I will be swamped with work. I am excited to have weekends to myself though for the first time since I can remember. The joys of a real job- and not a waitressing one. I signed up for a summer race series along the Charles river on the Esplanade of Boston (assuming I can run again after my marathon). They have one race a month for every month of summer- reggae, Mardi Gras, and blues themed...I am hoping it will keep me motivated to keep running!
Good luck to all of you making your final decisions on school!
Until next time,
Good luck to our seniors leaving us- :( Nicole, Beckee, and Kristin.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The 2 week meltdown...