Thursday, October 1, 2009

Brrrr, October.

Its getting cold. And I hate it. Flip Flops were probably a bad choice, but I just don't want to let go of summer yet. Besides, with the way our weather works it will probably be like 75 degrees tomorrow...
Currently in the admissions office, blogging, and entering students from my tour yesterday into the computer system. I heard through the grapevine that Ben Affleck was back shooting in the North End today (where I live.) Maybe I'll try to scope him out later. Supposedly its him and Blake Lively from Gossip Girl. Last week my friend ran into Kevin James (King of Queens, Mall Cop), who I love, in the Boston Commons. He was shooting his new movie Zoo Keeper.
Finished another ad for my design lab class. We had to do an ad for "bolt Bus" that gets people from Boston to NY for one dollar. Here is what I came up with... currently working on a poster for a band's upcoming show. I'll post it once I'm finished.

Tonight we are all going out for my friend Allison's 21st birthday. We are going to Limelight, a kareoke place on Tremont street. We all went last year for her birthday and it was so fun. (picture on right is my friend Geralyn and I singing, I think it was Kelly Clarkson) All of my friends are now starting to turn 21. Its so weird, I remember being young and counting the years till I turned 21 and it seemed to far away. Just think, it was almost 10 years ago since elementary school. Thats a decade.It just does not seem like it was THAT long ago. My friend Dayna is turning 22 and having a party at her place in Brighton this weekend. (She goes to Wheelock) She was telling me that its kind of depressing because she has no other big birthdays to look forward to. Everyone hypes up 21st birthdays so much, that it seems kind of anti-climatic. Especially a year later, whats so exciting about 22 and up? Makes me think I never want to graduate college. So glad I am only a Junior this year, (sorry Nicole, Beckee, Kristin, Matt...) I don't want to think about having to search and apply for real jobs just yet...For now I am happy working in Admissions. I also work for the Annual fund now too, calling alumni to talk to them and ask for donations. Its a tough job, just because you are on the phone for 3 hours straight, and a lot of it is ringing. But I have met some fun new people so far so thats a plus!
Anddd we got new Ambassador jackets today! Other than that not too much happening. Last night was the Meal N' Reel movie series. It happens every Wednesday night where we put on a movie not on dvd yet and have free food. Last night was Public enemies and Tacos. Last week was Transformers 2 and wings I think. Put on by Program Council of course ;)
Thats all for now,

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I was actually just talking to C. Gray about wanting to be a Junior again. Weirddd!

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